11. veebruar 2016

Esimesed... / Firsts...

Alustame egotripiga päris algusest. Esimene keskaegne kleit, 14.saj - aasta oli siis 2004 kui ma selle tegin. Pilt keskaja festivalilt Cesisest (by Sport) / Let's start from the beginning. My first medieval dress, 14th century - the year was 2004 when I made it, the picture is later, made by Sport.

Järgmiseks aasta 2007 (nii tegemine kui pilt) - ca 12.saj - ka käevõru (mis tegelikult on sellest komplektist varasem, dateeritud 9. sajandisse, nii et ei sobi otseselt komplekti), nagu kõik muu mu seljas, on minu tehtud. / Next the year 2007 (both the clothes and the picture) - 12th century, the bronze bracelet (ok, I admit, it is earlier than the rest, so should'nt go with this outfit, since the bracelet is 9th century), as everything else I am wearing, is also made by me.

Ja kolmandaks teine keskaegne kleit, samuti 14. sajand, 2009, pilt 2012. / And third the second 14th century dress, from 2009, picture from 2012.

Ja lõpetuseks pilt, kus on seljas nii eelmistel piltidel olnud sinine ja punane kleit +  2 keepi + jänesenahaga vooderdatud kapuuts - õues oli -30'C või isegi külmem ja täitsa soe oli olla. Pilt aastast 2011. /And finally a picture where I have on both the blue and red dress from previous pictures + 2 capes and a hood lined with rabbit fur - it was -30'C or lower outside, but I was nice and warm. Picture from 2011.

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