21. veebruar 2016

Jätkuks... /To continue...

Vahepeal sai tehtud üks sinine kleit ja üks pruun kleit, vist küll vastupidises järjekorras, aga sinisest kleidist üksi ei tundu väga pilte olevat, kuigi ta oli päris kena... ja siis said talle koid kallale, aga mul on temaga veel plaane, nii et küll saab näha.
And then I made a blue dress and a brown dress, in the opposite order, I think. But there are no separate pictures of the blue dress, although it did look nice. Moth got to it a bit later, but I still have plans for it, you shall see...

Veits muinast ka /a bit of viking too.

Ja muid asju sai ka tehtud, aga nendest sai juba siis pilte üles pandud, kui nad valmisid, vt vanasid postitusi. / Made other things too, but pictures of those were made and put up while I made them. Look at old posts from the blog.

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